StormGeo Web API


/api/v1/keygen/{appKey} returns AuthenticationResource
Use your application key to generate an API key. The key is valid 24 hours. Append "auth=[API key]" to all urls in the API
/api/v1/jsonp/keygen/{appKey} returns AuthenticationResource
Use your application key to generate an API key. The key is valid 24 hours. Append "auth=[API key]" to all urls in the API
/api/v1/places/?q={q} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/?q={q} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/places/?q={q}&wildcard={wildcard} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/?q={q}&wildcard={wildcard} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/places/?q={q}&countries={countries}&count={count} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/?q={q}&countries={countries}&count={count} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/places/{id} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/{id} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/places/{lat}/{lon}?haccuracy={haccuracy} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/{lat}/{lon}?haccuracy={haccuracy} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/places/{llLat}/{llLon}/{urLat}/{urLon}/{scaleRank} returns BasicPlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/places/{llLat}/{llLon}/{urLat}/{urLon}/{scaleRank} returns BasicPlacesResource
/api/v1/popular-places returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/popular-places returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/popular-places/{countryId}/{count} returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/popular-places/{countryId}/{count} returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/popular-places/?q={q}&countries={countries}&count={count} returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/popular-places/?q={q}&countries={countries}&count={count} returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/csv/popular-places returns PopularPlacesResource
/api/v1/placelist/{listId} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/jsonp/placelist/{listId} returns PlacesResource
/api/v1/short-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns ShortTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/short-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns ShortTermForecast
/api/v1/short-term-forecast/{placeId} returns ShortTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/short-term-forecast/{placeId} returns ShortTermForecast
/api/v1/long-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/long-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/long-term-forecast/{placeId} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast/{placeId} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/long-term-forecast/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecast
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-detailed/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-detailed/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-detailed/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-detailed/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-detailed/{placeId} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-detailed/{placeId} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-detailed/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-detailed/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-comparision/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-comparision/{lat}/{lon} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-comparision/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-comparision/{lat}/{lon}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-comparision/{placeId} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-comparision/{placeId} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecast-comparision/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/jsonp/long-term-forecast-comparision/{placeId}?days={days} returns LongTermForecastDetailed
/api/v1/long-term-forecasts/{placeIds} returns LongTermForecasts
/api/v1/long-term-forecasts/{placeIds} returns LongTermForecasts
/api/v1/long-term-forecasts/{placeIds}?days={days} returns LongTermForecasts
/api/v1/long-term-forecasts/{placeIds}?days={days} returns LongTermForecasts
/api/v2/warnings/{placeId} returns WarningResource
/api/v2/jsonp/warnings/{placeId} returns WarningResource
/api/v2/warnings/{lat}/{lon} returns WarningResource
/api/v2/jsonp/warnings/{lat}/{lon} returns WarningResource
/api/v1/climate/{lat}/{lon} returns ClimateResource
/api/v1/jsonp/climate/{lat}/{lon} returns ClimateResource
/api/v1/climate/{placeId} returns ClimateResource
/api/v1/jsonp/climate/{placeId} returns ClimateResource
/api/v1/observations/{stations} returns ObservationResource
/api/v1/jsonp/observations/{stations} returns ObservationResource
/api/v1/observations/{lat}/{lon} returns Observation
Get nearest observation to the given point. Observation is null if no station is nearby.
/api/v1/jsonp/observations/{lat}/{lon} returns Observation
Get nearest observation to the given point. Observation is null if no station is nearby.
/api/v1/observations/{placeId} returns Observation
Get nearest observation to the given place. Observation is null if no station is nearby.
/api/v1/jsonp/observations/{placeId} returns Observation
Get nearest observation to the given place. Observation is null if no station is nearby.
/api/v1/simpledayforecast/{placeId} returns SimpleDayForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/simpledayforecast/{placeId} returns SimpleDayForecast
/api/v1/simpledayforecast/{lat}/{lon} returns SimpleDayForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/simpledayforecast/{lat}/{lon} returns SimpleDayForecast
/api/v1/uv/{lat}/{lon} returns UvResource
/api/v1/jsonp/uv/{lat}/{lon} returns UvResource
/api/v1/uv/{placeId} returns UvResource
/api/v1/jsonp/uv/{placeId} returns UvResource
/api/v1/borealis/{language} returns BorealisResource
/api/v1/jsonp/borealis/{language} returns BorealisResource
/api/v1/now-forecast/{placeId} returns NowForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/now-forecast/{placeId} returns NowForecast
/api/v1/now-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns NowForecast
/api/v1/jsonp/now-forecast/{lat}/{lon} returns NowForecast
/api/v1/MultipleLocationWeather?q={q} returns WeatherListResource
/api/v1/jsonp/MultipleLocationWeather?q={q} returns WeatherListResource
/api/v1/warnings/{placeId} returns WarningResource
/api/v1/jsonp/warnings/{placeId} returns WarningResource
/api/v1/warnings/{lat}/{lon} returns WarningResource
/api/v1/jsonp/warnings/{lat}/{lon} returns WarningResource
/api/v1/topobservations/{countrycode}/{number}/ returns TopObservationsResource
/api/v1/jsonp/topobservations/{countrycode}/{number}/ returns TopObservationsResource
/api/v1/snow-countries returns SkiWorldResource
/api/v1/jsonp/snow-countries returns SkiWorldResource
/api/v1/snow-countries/{continentId} returns SkiContinentResource
/api/v1/jsonp/snow-countries/{continentId} returns SkiContinentResource
/api/v1/snow-by-country/{countryId} returns SkiCountryResource
/api/v1/jsonp/snow-by-country/{countryId} returns SkiCountryResource
/api/v1/snow-by-region/{regionId} returns SkiRegionResource
/api/v1/jsonp/snow-by-region/{regionId} returns SkiRegionResource

Json entities

LongTermForecasts structure

Longtermforecasts Array of LongTermForecast

LongTermForecast structure

Location Location
Days DayInfo[]
HasRadar Boolean

LongTermForecastDetailed structure

Location Location
Days DayInfoDetailed[]
HasRadar Boolean

ShortTermForecast structure

HasRadar Boolean
Day DayInfo
Location Location

DayInfo structure

Day DayWeather
OneHourSteps Weather[] One hour steps for given date. Will only be available for the three first days for a long term forecast
SixHourSteps Weather[] Four steps available each day

Weather structure

ForecastTime Date
WindDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wind is blowing FROM.
WindSpeed Number m/s
WindGust Number m/s
Temperature Number Temperature (default is Celsius)
StartDate Date Start of interval
EndDate Date End of interval
PrecProb Number Probability of precipitation
ApparentTemperature Number Apparent temperature (celsius)
Humidity Number
WindBarbSymbol String Id of a wind barb symbol. No wind will give the value "no_symbol"
ThunderRiskIndex Number Thunder Risk Index from 0 - 6. Use 1-4: none/low risk, 5: medium risk, 6: high risk
WaveHeight Number Wave height
WaveDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wave is going FROM.
VisibilityMeters Number How far is possible to see.

HourWeather structure

Prec01 Number Mm. From one hour before forecast time.
Symbol01 Number This hour
StartDate Date
EndDate Date
ForecastTime Date
WindDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wind is blowing FROM.
WindSpeed Number m/s
WindGust Number m/s
Temperature Number Temperature (default is Celsius)
PrecProb Number Probability of precipitation
ApparentTemperature Number Apparent temperature (celsius)
Humidity Number
WindBarbSymbol String Id of a wind barb symbol. No wind will give the value "no_symbol"
ThunderRiskIndex Number Thunder Risk Index from 0 - 6. Use 1-4: none/low risk, 5: medium risk, 6: high risk
WaveHeight Number Wave height
WaveDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wave is going FROM.
VisibilityMeters Number How far is possible to see.

SixHourWeather structure

Symbol Number 3 hrs before, 3hrs after forecast
Prec06x Number Mm. 3 hours before, 3 hours after forecast time.
StartDate Date
EndDate Date
ForecastTime Date
WindDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wind is blowing FROM.
WindSpeed Number m/s
WindGust Number m/s
Temperature Number Temperature (default is Celsius)
PrecProb Number Probability of precipitation
ApparentTemperature Number Apparent temperature (celsius)
Humidity Number
WindBarbSymbol String Id of a wind barb symbol. No wind will give the value "no_symbol"
ThunderRiskIndex Number Thunder Risk Index from 0 - 6. Use 1-4: none/low risk, 5: medium risk, 6: high risk
WaveHeight Number Wave height
WaveDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wave is going FROM.
VisibilityMeters Number How far is possible to see.

DayWeather structure

ForecastTimeIndicator Date This is just an indicator, and no assumptions should be made about this date.
TemperatureMin Number Temperature might be null
TemperatureMax Number Temperature might be null
SunUp Date SunUp might be null
SunDown Date SunDown might be null
UvLevel Number UV index calculated with 0 reflectivity (albedo) and taking the cloud cover into consideration. A textual representation can be extracted using the following mapping: 0 - 2.5 is "low", 2.5 - 5.5 is "moderate", 5.5 - 7.5 is "high", 7.5 - 10.5 is "very high", else it's "extreme"
Symbol Number
ApparentTemperatureMin Number
ApparentTemperatureMax Number
WindSpeedMin Number
WindSpeedMax Number
WindGustMin Number
WindGustMax Number
HumidityMin Number
HumidityMax Number
ThunderRiskIndexMax Number
SymbolExtended Number

PlacesResource structure

Places Array of Place

Place structure

PlaceId String
PlaceName String
LocalName String
Latitude Number
Longitude Number
Moh Number
CountryId Number
CategoryId Number
CategoryName String
Country String
Priority Number
Adm1 String
Adm2 String

PopularPlacesResource structure

Places Array of Place

PopularPlace structure

PlaceId Number
Name String
Country String
Adm1 String
Adm2 String

Location structure

Latitude Number
Longitude Number
System Number

Warning structure

ValidDate Date The day this warning is valid
Number Number Symbol id for this warning

WarningResource structure

Warnings Array of Warning
Location Location

ClimateResource structure

Climate Array of Climate

WeatherListResource structure

Places Array of PlaceWeather

PlaceWeather structure

Location Location
Forecast Weather

SimpleDayForecast structure

Location Location
Days Array of DayInfo

BasicPlacesResource structure

Places Array of BasicPlace

MetaInformation structure

SiteUrl String

UvResource structure

UvForecasts Array of Uv
Location Location

Uv structure

ValidTime Date
Reflection Decimal
CloudCover Number
UvIndex Decimal

BorealisResource structure

Borealis Borealis

Borealis structure

Index Number
UpdateTime Date
Text String

ObservationResource structure

Observations Array of ObservationSeries

ObservationSeries structure

stationId String
observations Array of InstantWeather

InstantWeather structure

Symbol01 Number This hour
StartDate Date
EndDate Date
ForecastTime Date
WindDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wind is blowing FROM.
WindSpeed Number m/s
WindGust Number m/s
Temperature Number Temperature (default is Celsius)
PrecProb Number Probability of precipitation
ApparentTemperature Number Apparent temperature (celsius)
Humidity Number
WindBarbSymbol String Id of a wind barb symbol. No wind will give the value "no_symbol"
ThunderRiskIndex Number Thunder Risk Index from 0 - 6. Use 1-4: none/low risk, 5: medium risk, 6: high risk
WaveHeight Number Wave height
WaveDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wave is going FROM.
VisibilityMeters Number How far is possible to see.

AuthenticationResource structure

Key String API key. The key is valid for 24 hours

Observation structure

StationName String
Height Number
Latitude Number
Longitude Number
Location Location
ObservationTime Date
Symbol Number
WindDirection Number 360 degrees. North is 0 degrees. Oriented clockwise. Orientation is where the wind is blowing FROM.
WindSpeed Number Wind Speed (default unit is m/s)
Temperature Number Temperature (default is unit is c)

NowForecast structure

Location Location
currentForecast Array of HourWeather
obsResource ObservationResource

TopObservationsResource structure

HotList TopObsList
ColdList TopObsList
WetList TopObsList
WindyList TopObsList

TopObsList structure

TopObsListType TopObsType type of list 0=Hot, 1=Cold, 2=Wet, 3=Windy
TopObsListItems Array of TopObsEntry

TopObsEntry structure

Id String Synop or metar ID
Displayname String Name of the measuring station
Latitude Number
Longitude Number
Altitude Number
Temperature Number Measured temperature in deg celsius
Precipication Number Precipitation in mm for 12-hour period
Windspeed Number Windspeed in m/s
Winddirection Number Wind direction in degrees 0-360
ObsTimeUTC Date Date/Time(UTC)
LocationId Number Nearby location ID

NowcastingTextInfo structure

AnaTime Date
ValidTime Date
StartPrec Boolean
StartMinutes Number
StateChangeMinutes Number
PrecipitationType Number 0 = undefined, 1 = rain, 2 = sleet, 3 = snöw
NowCastExpected Boolean

SkiCountryResource structure

Country SkiCountry
Regions Array of SkiRegionResource

SkiRegionResource structure

Region SkiRegion
Resorts Array of SkiResortResource

SkiCountry structure

Name String
CountryId Number

SkiRegion structure

Name String
RegionId Number

SkiResortResource structure

Resort SkiResort
Forecast DayInfo

SkiResort structure

PlaceId Number
ResortId Number
Name String
Depth Number centimeters
NewSnow Number Snofall in last 48h in centimeters
Latitude Number
Longitude Number
Url String

SkiWorldResource structure

Continents Array of SkiContinentResource

SkiContinentResource structure

Continent Continent
Countries Array of SkiCountry

Continent structure

ContinentId Number
Name String